
We actively encourage parents and carers to be involved in their child’s education. The interest and support of the adult in their lives will enrich children’s academic and social progress, and we see parental support and help with children’s homework as a means of developing this involvement.

Homework depends of the age of the child. All children will be expected to read their home reading book each night to an adult.  Spelling should be practised at least three times each week and a record kept in the spelling books. Children also receive literacy and numeracy each week appropriate for their age and ability. A homework club is held each week on Wednesday afternoon from 3.15pm for any children who cannot complete their homework at home, or would like support from teachers. The computers are also availble for any child during this time. 

Information is available each half term outlining the topic the children will be researching. Parents are encouraged to support their children’s research and learning can be recorded in the child’s home school journal.