The curriculum
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum serves as a framework for our curriculum delivery, which allows teachers to respond effectively to individual learning needs. Consequently we provide teaching which is flexible, relevant and meaningful in order to prepare children for their futures educational development and to enable them to take part fully as citizens in our society.
Children in Nursery and Reception follow the Early Years Curriculum. This comprises of seven key areas of learning and development which are:
Three Prime Areas: Personal, social and emotional development; physical development; communication and language.
Four Specific Areas: Literacy; mathematics; understanding of the world; expressive arts and design
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Children in years 1 to 6 follow the subjects of the National Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Religious Education, Design Technology, Geography, History, Art, Music and Physical Education.
Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 also learn French.
Our curriculum is extremely strong because we have an underlying belief in it's purpose beyond providing the children with knowledge. We are aware of the rapidly changing world in which we live and want our children to have the skills to adapt to it.
Further information about the school's curriculum will be provided through newsletters, Facebook and parent open days.