Our Approach
Belford Primary School is passionate about learning that motivates children. There is a shared belief that children learn best when they are happy, enthusiastic and having fun. We aim to teach the children what they need to know to make sense of and improve the world, so that they become useful citizens. Wherever possible we encourage the children to make links with previous learning and experiences, recognising that this promotes high quality learning and the retention of new knowledge.
To help bring our curriculum alive we provide memorable learning experiences with a range of trips and visits as well as bringing visiting artists, authors and professionals to our school. Children visit a range of local attractions as well as art galleries, museums, theatres. Year 3 and Year 4 are given the opportunity, alternative years, to take part in a residential visit.
Every opportunity is taken to share our learning with you and give our children opportunities to perform. When possible, we hold regular class assemblies and open afternoons. Currently we are unable to have parents in school due to the increased risk of infection from Covid 19, but we will use the school website and school Facebook page to share children's learning with you.
Sport plays a big part in our curriculum. In normal circumstances, all children go swimming every week to the Swan Centre in Berwick. This is currently suspended, but will hopefully ressume later in the year. All children use the sports hall to develop basic skills. We liaise closely with other Primary schools to provide competitive sporting events for our children.
Where appropriate, the curriculum extends beyond the classroom by making use of the extensive school grounds (including the school allotment and Forest School area), the local area within Belford and the wealth of resources which exist within easy reach of the school.