Play and Outdoor Learning

Belford Primary School has wonderful outdoor spaces, both around the school and within our local community.

In 2012 we helped plant a Jubilee Wood in the village. We also purchased climbing equipment for the school yard to build self-confidence, independent and risk taking skills among the children.

Across the school teachers plan to include valuable outdoor experiences linked to the national curriculum but also to interest and enthuse the children.

Outdoor learning has been proven to generate stronger social skills, higher self-esteem, as well as being better able to work in teams. The idea behind outdoor learning is simple- ‘al-fresco’ education simply feels more like play.

At Belford Primary School we are confident that outdoor learning will benefit our children and that the lessons they learn outside will stay with them for the rest of their life.


Play is an entitlement for all children, under Article 31 of the United Nations Rights of the Child.

‘All children have the right to relax, to play and to join in a wide range of activities.’

Play is important for children and young people’s health and wellbeing, their relationships, their development and their learning. It can involve thoughts and feelings, fantasy and creativity, friendships and communities, as well as physical activity. It is the main way children and young people explore, experiment, understand, and so develop a sense of identity. Children and people of all ages play, although young people may not consider what they do in their free time to be play.
Play provides children with the opportunity to have fun, learn, co-operate, develop physical skills, use their imagination, interact with others.

At Belford Primary School we aim to facilitate good, structured, play opportunities, both indoors and outdoors. We appreciate the importance of play and endeavor to provide opportunities for play not only during children’s free time but through structured classroom activities.